This is where the keyword and lede goes. A lede should provide a brief, enticing overview of the post, giving readers a good sense of what to expect from the article. Good Place for Related Keyword.

Here’s some normal text that expands a little further, perhaps providing Related Keyword background on the post, why it was written, etc. It can be skipped if the writer prefers to dive directly into the first secondary heading. Add in an long tail keyword internal link to whatever page you want to rank the most here. Keep in mind, 1,300 body text words is the sweet spot.

Related Keyword the secondary heading (H2)

You can add other secondary headings by typing a short, related keyword-rich sentence, then clicking “Heading 2” in the Styles portion of Word’s Home ribbon.

LSI – words that naturally come up about a conversation about something.

Related keywords – are synonyms or variations of your keywords. Attorney and Lawyer are usually related while divorce, trial, criminal defense, court, judge would be LSIs.

Consider using 1 .gov outbound link. It does not have to be physically hyperlinked.

Spread kitty litter all over house, but lick butt, eat a plant, kill a hand purr for no reason. dolor. LSI. Meow all night having their mate disturbing sleeping humans. Catch mouse and gave it as a present. Spit up on light gray carpet instead of adjacent linoleum. Meow all night. Mrow. Sleep on dog bed, force dog to sleep on floor fall over dead (not really but gets sympathy). Leave fur on owners clothes.

Duis sagittis ipsum.

Praesent mauris.  Stare at the wall, play with food and get confused by dust refuse to leave cardboard box yet meow to be let out.

Meow for food LSI. ad destroy the blinds. Meow for food, then when human fills food dish, take a few bites of food and continue meowing. Destroy couch as revenge. Scratch leg; meow for can opener to feed me when in doubt.

Here is a LSI or Google Suggest/Google Trends (or third-level) heading (H3)

Tertiary headings are a great way to introduce an important concept that is still related to the topic of the secondary heading. Add in another related keyword-rich sentence.

If I were crafting a post about writing at different times of the day, I might have a second-level heading “Writing at night.”

After a little explanatory copy, I might add a tertiary heading “Writing at night in public.”

See? Tertiary headings are great for drilling down to a more detailed subset of a larger, more general topic. Consider adding in another long tail keyword internal link in this paragraph.

Sometimes it really helps a reader to summarize key points, or break up longer sentences, in a bulleted (or “unordered”) list: (bulleted list, ordered, numbered list is good)

  • This is the first of this article’s many important points. Use  keywords.
  • And here’s the second LSI keywords.
  • Summing up, there’s this thing you should know use keywords.

Catch mouse and gave it as a present. Spit up on light gray carpet instead of adjacent linoleum. Meow all night. Mrow. Sleep on dog bed, force dog to sleep on floor fall over dead (not really but gets sympathy). Leave fur on owners clothes.

So scratch get sprayed by water because bad cat and my slave human didn’t give me any food.

Exact Keyword to “This is the post or page’s title” (H4)

Be sure to include the article’s title here so you can get it another heading tag. You can include another concept here or you could put them in another list, perhaps with some unique styling:

  • Here’s a story all about heading tags
  • This LSI one covers common design patterns—for copy
  • Download Something that will make your life much better

You can also place a quote:

A 1914 English translation by Harris Rackham reads:

“Nor is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure.”

It’s important to remember to check your competition. Let your competition be your crystal ball into what google wants for your niche.

Every niche is different! Related keyword-rich sentence If your competition have videos on their page, put them on yours. If they have a lot of pictures on their page. If they have 250 words, don’t use 1,300 words. Look at their keyword density and increase yours by 1.5x standard deviation.

This is another Related Keyword heading (H2)

It introduces another major topic in the story using a related keyword. Before you get to the related links section, you’ll want to sum up your main points again, suggest the reader take some sort of action next.

Chase dog then run away flee in terror at cucumber discovered on floor.

High on catnip non  mattis, scared of cucumber.

Nulla facilisi. Ut fringilla. Suspendisse potenti.

Demand to be let outside at once, LSI expect owner to wait for me as i think about it hunt anything that moves, meow go back to sleep owner brings food and water tries to pet on head.

So scratch get sprayed by water because bad cat and my slave human didn’t give me any food so i LSI pooped on the floor yet flop over sleep nap and meow to be let in.

Here is a LSI or Google Suggest/Google Trends (or third-level) heading (H3)

Tertiary headings are a great way to introduce an important concept that is still related to the topic of the LSI secondary heading. Add in another related keyword-rich sentence.

If I were crafting a post about writing at different times of the day, I might have a second-level heading “Writing at night.” After a little explanatory copy, I might add a tertiary heading “Writing at night in public.”

See? Tertiary headings are great for drilling down to a more detailed subset of a larger, more general topic. Consider adding in another concept in this paragraph.

The classic “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…” passage is attributed to a remixing of the Roman philosopher Cicero’s 45 BC text LSI De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum (“On the Extremes of Good and Evil”). More specifically, the passage is thought to originate from sections 1.10.32 – 33 of his text, with the most notable portion excerpted below:

“Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.”

For links, if you want to link out for user expereince to anything other than 1 .gov link, make sure you rel=”nofollow” any extra external links. Quia non numquam eius modi tempora ages a typesetter scrambled part of Cicero’s De Finibus in order to provide placeholder text to mockup variousincidunt ut labore et dolore book.

But that was just the beginning.

Exact Keyword to “This is the post or page’s title” (H4)

Steps in a process, such as “How to save a Word document as a template,” can be nicely broken down with a numbered (or “ordered”) list:

  1. Here’s the first thing you should do LSI
  2. Then do this
    1. In some cases, steps may need to be broken down into several smaller
    2. actions
    3. Like so
  3. And finally this LSI

Spread kitty litter all over house, but lick butt, eat a plant, kill a hand for purr for no reason. ultrices sit amet, augue. Proin sodales libero eget ante. Nulla quam. Aenean laoreet.

Conclusion Exact Keyword

Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, LSI favor packaging over toy kitty poochy or flop over crash against wall but walk away like nothing happened.

Missing until dinner time. Love to play with owner’s hair tie thug cat and human give me attention meow sleep on keyboard, for yowling nonstop the whole night.

Related keyword-rich sentence. Flee in terror at cucumber discovered on floor.

Finish with a very strong CTA.


The SIA recommends that you do a competitive analysis for a better reference of what type of page you need to build.

The above and below are the SIA’s “general” recommendation:

  • 1000-1500 words
  • only 1 h1 – that h1 contains the keyword
  • meta title contains the keyword
  • url contains the keyword, separated by dashes
  • the h1 matches the meta title (without a brand mention that you probably have in the meta)
H2 – H4 should be all keyword variations (it’s probably ok for 1 h2 or 1 h3 to have the keyword exactly…but in speaking in generalities it’s hard to recommend even that)
Keep your hierarchy correct (don’t jump out of order on your h tags.  H2s support the main idea of the H1,  H3’s support the main idea of their H2s.  For example:
H1 How to make taco shells
       H2 Hard shell tacos
             H3 Corn tortilla
       H2 Soft shell tacos
             H3 Flour tortilla
You’ll notice in the example above that the main keyword is: how to make taco shells.  My H2s are variations of the keyword and my H3s are probably LSI)
  • 1 exact match keyword for every 400 words of body copy
  • 1 image with a keyword in the img alt.  accurately describe the image and include the keyword in that description
  • use open graph and twitter cards
  • 1-2 total outbound links from the body copy (internal or external)
  • Get a list of LSI words and just make sure some are on the page naturally
The above probably won’t get you in trouble and might even be helpful for weak keywords.  We should have huge caveats on this that it’s not the secret to ranking but can get you started when putting a page together.